Kernel of Eternity:

Notes from the Journal of
Steven H. Cullinane,
June 19-21, 2007

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(Aug. 13, 2007)

Adam Gopnik in
The New Yorker of
August 20, 2007-

On Philip K. Dick:

"... the kind of guy who can’t drink one cup of coffee without drinking six, and then stays up all night to tell you what Schopenhauer really said and how it affects your understanding of Hitchcock and what that had to do with Christopher Marlowe."

Modernity: A Film by
Alfred Hitchcock--

"... the most thoroughgoing modernist design element in Hitchcock's films arises out of geometry, as François Regnault has argued, identifying 'a global movement for each one, or a "principal geometric or dynamic form," which can appear in the pure state in the credits....'" --Peter J. Hutchings (my italics)

Thursday, June 21, 2007  4:30 PM

Found in translation:

Schopenhauer on the Kernel of Eternity

Philos Website --

"Ich aber, hier auf dem objektiven Wege, bin jetzt bemüht, das Positive der Sache nachzuweisen, daß nämlich das Ding an sich von der Zeit und Dem, was nur durch sie möglich ist, dem Entstehen und Vergehen, unberührt bleibt, und daß die Erscheinungen in der Zeit sogar jenes rastlos flüchtige, dem Nichts zunächst stehende Dasein nicht haben könnten, wenn nicht in ihnen ein Kern aus der Ewigkeit* wäre. Die Ewigkeit ist freilich ein Begriff, dem keine Anschauung zum Grunde liegt: er ist auch deshalb bloß negativen Inhalts, besagt nämlich ein zeitloses Dasein. Die Zeit ist demnach ein bloßes Bild der Ewigkeit, ho chronos eikôn tou aiônos,** wie es Plotinus*** hat: und ebenso ist unser zeitliches Dasein das bloße Bild unsers Wesens an sich. Dieses muß in der Ewigkeit liegen, eben weil die Zeit nur die Form unsers Erkennens ist: vermöge dieser allein aber erkennen wir unser und aller Dinge Wesen als vergänglich, endlich und der Vernichtung anheimgefallen."

*    "a kernel of eternity"
**  "Time is the image of eternity."
*** "wie es Plotinus hat"--
       Actually, not Plotinus, but Plato,
       according to Diogenes Laertius.

Related material:

Time Fold,

J. N. Darby,
"On the Greek Words for
Eternity and Eternal

(aion and aionios),"

Carl Gustav Jung, Aion,
which contains the following
four-diamond figure,

Jung's four-diamond figure

and Jung and the Imago Dei.

Thursday, June 21, 2007  12:07 PM

Structural Logic continued:

Let No Man
Write My Epigraph

(See entries of June 19th.)

"His graceful accounts of the Bach Suites for Unaccompanied Cello illuminated the works’ structural logic as well as their inner spirituality."

--Allan Kozinn on
Mstislav Rostropovich in The New York Times, quoted in Log24 on April 29, 2007

"At that instant he saw, in one blaze of light, an image of unutterable conviction.... the core of life, the essential pattern whence all other things proceed, the kernel of eternity."

-- Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River, quoted in Log24 on June 9, 2005

"... the stabiliser of an octad preserves the affine space structure on its complement, and (from the construction) induces AGL(4,2) on it. (It induces A8 on the octad, the kernel of this action being the translation group of the affine space.)"

-- Peter J. Cameron, "The Geometry of the Mathieu Groups" (pdf)

"... donc Dieu existe, réponse!"

-- Attributed, some say falsely,
to Leonhard Euler

"Only gradually did I discover
what the mandala really is:
'Formation, Transformation,
Eternal Mind's eternal recreation'"

(Faust, Part Two, as
quoted by Jung in
Memories, Dreams, Reflections)

Wolfgang Pauli as Mephistopheles

"Pauli as Mephistopheles
in a 1932 parody of
Goethe's Faust at Niels Bohr's
institute in Copenhagen.
The drawing is one of
many by George Gamow
illustrating the script."
-- Physics Today

"Borja dropped the mutilated book on the floor with the others. He was looking at the nine engravings and at the circle, checking strange correspondences between them.

'To meet someone' was his enigmatic answer. 'To search for the stone that the Great Architect rejected, the philosopher's stone, the basis of the philosophical work. The stone of power. The devil likes metamorphoses, Corso.'"

-- The Club Dumas, basis for the Roman Polanski film "The Ninth Gate" (See 12/24/05.)

"Pauli linked this symbolism
with the concept of automorphism."

-- The Innermost Kernel
 (previous entry)

And from
"Symmetry in Mathematics
and Mathematics of Symmetry
(pdf), by Peter J. Cameron,
a paper presented at the
International Symmetry Conference,
Edinburgh, Jan. 14-17, 2007,
we have

The Epigraph--

Weyl on automorphisms
(Here "whatever" should
of course be "whenever.")

Also from the
Cameron paper:

Local or global?

Among other (mostly more vague) definitions of symmetry, the dictionary will typically list two, something like this:

• exact correspondence of parts;
• remaining unchanged by transformation.

Mathematicians typically consider the second, global, notion, but what about the first, local, notion, and what is the relationship between them?  A structure M is homogeneous if every isomorphism between finite substructures of M can be extended to an automorphism of M; in other words, "any local symmetry is global."

Some Log24 entries
related to the above politically
(women in mathematics)--

Global and Local:
One Small Step

and mathematically--

Structural Logic continued:
Structure and Logic

This entry cites
Alice Devillers of Brussels--

Alice Devillers

"The aim of this thesis
is to classify certain structures
which are, from a certain
point of view, as homogeneous
as possible, that is which have
  as many symmetries as possible."

"There is such a thing
as a tesseract."

-- Madeleine L'Engle 

Wednesday, June 20, 2007  1:06 AM

ART WARS continued:


Mathematical Reviews citation:

MR2163497 (2006g:81002) 81-03 (81P05)
Gieser, Suzanne The innermost kernel. Depth psychology and quantum physics. Wolfgang Pauli's dialogue with C. G. Jung. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. xiv+378 pp. ISBN: 3-540-20856-9

A quote from MR at

"This revised translation of a Swedish Ph. D. thesis in philosophy offers far more than a discussion of Wolfgang Pauli's encounters with the psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung.... Here the book explains very well how Pauli attempted to extend his understanding beyond superficial esotericism and spiritism.... To understand Pauli one needs books like this one, which... seems to open a path to a fuller understanding of Pauli, who was seeking to solve a quest even deeper than quantum physics." (Arne Schirrmacher, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2006g)

An excerpt:

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I do not yet know what Gieser means by "the innermost kernel." The following is my version of a "kernel" of sorts-- a diagram well-known to students of anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss and art theorist Rosalind Krauss:

Klein four group

(Log24, June 9, 2005)

The four group is also known as the Vierergruppe or Klein group.  It appears, notably, as the translation subgroup of A, the group of 24 automorphisms of the affine plane over the 2-element field, and therefore as the kernel of the homomorphism taking A to the group of 6 automorphisms of the projective line over the 2-element field. (See Finite Geometry of the Square and Cube.)

Related material:

The "chessboard" of
   Nov. 7, 2006 --

I Ching chessboard

I Ching chessboard

None of this material really has much to do with the history of physics, except for its relation to the life and thought of physicist Wolfgang Pauli-- the "Mephistopheles" of the new book Faust in Copenhagen. (See previous entry.)

"Only gradually did I discover
what the mandala really is:
'Formation, Transformation,
Eternal Mind's eternal recreation'"

(Faust, Part Two, as
quoted by Jung in
Memories, Dreams, Reflections)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007  3:17 PM

Meta Physics continued:

 Faustus is gone:
regard his hellish fall

-- Marlowe

I have just read, in the New York Times Book Review that arrived in yesterday's mail, a review of Segre's Faust in Copenhagen.  The review, on news stands next Sunday, was titled by the Times "Meta Physicists."

On Faust-- today's noon entry and yesterday's "Nightmare Lessons."

On "Meta Physicists"-- an entry of June 6, on Cullinane College, has a section titled "Meta Physics."

On Copenhagen-- an entry of Bloomsday Eve, 2004 on a native of that city.

Another Dane:

"Words, words, words."
-- Hamlet

Another metaphysics:

"317 is a prime,
not because we think so,
or because our minds
are shaped in one way
rather than another,
but because it is so,
because mathematical
reality is built that way."

 -- G. H. Hardy,
A Mathematician's Apology

(Aug. 13, 2007)

Adam Gopnik is also the author
of The King in the Window, a tale
of the Christian feast of Epiphany
and a sinister quantum computer.

For more on Epiphany, see
the Log24 entries of August 1.

For more on quantum computing,
see What is Quantum Computation?.

See also the previous entry
("The Geometry of Qubits,"
Aug. 12, 2007).

Sunday, August 12, 2007  9:00 AM

The Geometry of Qubits

In the context of quantum information theory, the following structure seems to be of interest--

"... the full two-by-two matrix ring with entries in GF(2), M2(GF(2))-- the unique simple non-commutative ring of order 16 featuring six units (invertible elements) and ten zero-divisors."

-- "Geometry of Two-Qubits," by Metod Saniga (pdf, 17 pp.), Jan. 25, 2007

A 16-element affine space and a corresponding 16-element matrix ring

This ring is another way of looking at the 16 elements of the affine space A4(GF(2)) over the 2-element field.  (Arrange the four coordinates of each element-- 1's and 0's-- into a square instead of a straight line, and regard the resulting squares as matrices.)  (For more on A4(GF(2)), see Finite Relativity and related notes at Finite Geometry of the Square and Cube.)  Using the above ring, Saniga constructs a system of 35 objects (not unlike the 35 lines of the finite geometry PG(3,2)) that he calls a "projective line" over the ring.  This system of 35 objects has a subconfiguration isomorphic to the (2,2) generalized quadrangle W2 (which occurs naturally as a subconfiguration of PG(3,2)-- see Inscapes.)

Saniga concludes:
"We have demonstrated that the basic properties of a system of two interacting spin-1/2 particles are uniquely embodied in the (sub)geometry of a particular projective line, found to be equivalent to the generalized quadrangle of order two. As such systems are the simplest ones exhibiting phenomena like quantum entanglement and quantum non-locality and play, therefore, a crucial role in numerous applications like quantum cryptography, quantum coding, quantum cloning/teleportation and/or quantum computing to mention the most salient ones, our discovery thus
It would seem that my own
study of pure mathematics--
for instance, of the following
"diamond ring"--

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is not without relevance to
the physics of quantum theory.