Cached Sept. 22, 2007, from

Abbreviated version: click on above URL for more details.

Southern California Number Theory Day

Saturday, October 27, 2007 at UC Irvine

To receive future announcements with updated details, please subscribe to the e-mail list. (If you subscribed last year, then you are still on the list.) This page will be updated when new information is available.


  9:30-10:00       refreshments
10:00-11:00   Vinayak Vatsal (University of British Columbia), TBA
11:00-11:30       break
11:30-12:30   Elena Mantovan (Caltech), Integral models for toroidal compactifications of Shimura varieties
12:30-  2:30       lunch break
  2:30-  3:30   Chandrashekhar Khare (UCLA), Serre's conjecture
  3:30-  4:00       break
  4:00-  5:00   Audrey Terras (UCSD), TBA
  6:00   dinner for anyone interested (pay at the dinner)

Questions? e-mail Karl Rubin

Organizing committee: Karl Rubin, Alice Silverberg